Prayer is simply talking with God. In the Bible, we read of God’s leaders praying to Him through many different circumstances. Even Jesus prayed to God the Father. Prayer for the leader is a lifeline—the single most important means we have to connect directly to God at any time and for any reason. Prayer is not meant to be our last resort, but rather a constant and ongoing conversation with God in every facet of life and work.


You can listen to or watch our leadership talks on each lesson. We have prepared Learn, Live, Lead discussion guides for the time after each week’s talk.

The Lifeline of Prayer
1 Peter 5:7

Prayers of Change
Malachi 3:6

Prayers for Others
1 Timothy 2:1-3

Prayers of Praise
Ephesians 3:18-19

Prayers of Confession
James 5:16

Prayers of Trust
Psalm 25:1-2, 4-5

Prayers for Wisdom
James 1:5

Prayers of Mission
Matthew 6:9-10

Prayers of Thanks
1 Thessalonians 5:18