How do you look at the world? Some see the problems first, while others see the opportunities. Scripture instructs that Christ-followers are to go through life as optimists.
What will you do of significance with the 80-or-so years you have? When we’re young we have all the time in the world. And once we realize that isn’t true, we never have enough left to do anything with it.
Leadership Ministries provides curriculum for our Leadership Tables. The curriculum is designed to be simple, short, and easy to use, to minimize the amount of preparation required by the Table Leader.
When a sculptor completes his work in clay, he prepares to make a mold of the piece so he can recreate it. He’ll have to do something to his artistic work to make this happen, and that is to cut it apart.
Edward McKendree Bounds (1835 – 1913) was an attorney, author and Methodist minister. He is most known for authoring nine books on the subject of prayer. Bounds is widely considered one of the foremost authorities on prayer.
Jesus never came to earth for such a purpose. When we attempt to drop Jesus into our company culture, with its capitalistic purpose and various hierarchies and processes, we are usurping the very Godhood of Christ.
As leaders we all go through life and work holding to past regrets, those disappointments over lost or missed opportunities. We’re sad or repentant over things that we wish we had done differently.
Thomas Paine (1737-1809) was an English-born Founding Father of the United States. An inventor and philosopher, he authored Common Sense, a pamphlet that was influential at the start of the American Revolution.
As Jesus began teaching on earth, His words about leadership and leading were shocking. In fact, they were so at odds with religious leaders of the time, they believed Jesus could not possibly be the Savior they were hoping and waiting for.
A dented car is much like a dented relationship. Sometimes the interactions with those around us get broken, and are in need of repair.
Ronald Martin Popeil (1935-2021) was an American inventor and marketing personality. His TV infomercials became an overnight staple, and earned him more than $2 billion in sales during his 40-year run. His coined the marketing catchphrase “But wait… there’s more!”
Did you get ripped off today? How about shouted down? Stuck in traffic? Something get broken at the house? A health issue came up? How do you respond when you have a bad day?
On the surface the story of Job may seem a cruel game. A faithful man, he suffers greatly, questions God, and receives God’s pointed response. How should we lead when faced with trials and difficulty?
Every leader has an equal amount of one resource—time. How we plan and spend our hours and days can lead us to success or failure. Do you have a strategy for managing your time?
“What did the EKG say?” I asked the nurse. “Oh baby,” she said, “You’re having a heart attack!” This is a true story about being in the right place at the right time.
God tells us about Himself through His names. The Bible records some 900 names and titles of God in total, There are about 30 names that are specific to Him alone.
As Jesus began His ministry on earth, He called a dozen men to be His disciples. We can learn about Jesus’ methodologies from His uniquely worded invitation.
A 65-year-old leader will never have more experience than he has in his fourth quarter. He will have more knowledge than he has ever had.
A parable is a fictional account with a moral truth. If this story is not more than a parable, then the truths it holds are a powerful motivator for developing in personal and spiritual leadership.
There are a number of avenues to go deeper and explore a bible topic for leadership that might be specific to your table group. Is it okay for a table leader to deviate from what is provided? Yes, of course!
Aristotle (384-322 BC) was an ancient Greek philosopher. His writings cover a broad range of subjects spanning the natural sciences, philosophy, linguistics, economics, politics, psychology, and the arts.
A Christ-centered man looks for instruction in how to live, lead, interact and influence. The Bible contains practical instruction for life, family and business. But what about the prophecy in the Bible?
Leaders by nature want to win. They want to win the account, win the deal, win the quarter, win the best staff, win at products, win at service. This is why Jesus’ teaching for leaders to “love your enemies” is tremendously challenging.
There’s nothing wrong with being likeable and agreeable as a leader—but to a point. Likeability is not universal. No matter how focused a leader is on building relationships, exhibiting empathy and listening well, he will not be universally liked.
A hack is a clever trick or shortcut for accomplishing something. There are hacks for smartphones and cooking and driving. What about in your leadership? Is being a good leader something that has hacks?
The key facet of leadership development—that is, investing in others for the purpose of seeing them exhibit excellence through their own lives and leadership—is “baked in” to New Testament teaching.
Here are some common questions we receive from table leaders, and some suggestions for how to maintain best practices and grow in life and leadership.
American politics is getting more intense and divisive by the day. The democratic tradition of debate and discourse, leading to compromise and unity, is all but gone in the US. Instead, we gather into tribes based on deeply held political beliefs, we deride the opposition.
One issue Christians have in responding to “woke” leadership is that some of it sounds vaguely like what Jesus would do. After all, Jesus did ransack the temple once, turning over the tables of money changers and railing against the religious profiteers of the time.
Just like an engine needs maintenance, a leader needs to relax on a regular basis, lest he cease to function. The body and mind were not meant to run at 100% day-in and day-out without a break.