Did you get ripped off today? How about shouted down? Stuck in traffic? Something get broken at the house? A health issue came up? How do you respond when you have a bad day?
A loving God is Someone we all want. Because though God is love and God does love, by no means is His love unconditional. Rather, love is God’s nature, and God loves for His own glory and purposes.
When the Bible talks about our walk, it’s equating our spiritual walk with God as something everyone can learn and do. Our bodies were made to walk, and our spirits were made to walk with God.
One trait we often look for in leaders is the ability to multitask. Smart, capable leaders can handle multiple tasks, priorities and decisions at once, right? No, actually, that’s wrong. There is a limit to the number of things any leaders can process at once.
Anxiety most often grows from lack of knowledge and/or control. It’s easy to be afraid of that which we don’t understand, or can’t foresee. The Bible addresses anxiety directly. We find at least three spiritual resources we can use to overcome anxiety in life and work.
We complain constantly, at home and at work. This spills over in our culture, which is consumed by victimhood. In social media, the news media, education, government and business, we are on the lookout for every tiny hint of present and historical unfairness.
There are aspects of the Father that go above our heads. Though we can’t possibly know all the ways of God, we can know, in a broad sense, how God’s ways are higher our ways.
There’s a category of challenge for leaders, and that is the unknown unknowns. There are things we approach in life leadership that we do not know even exist, and then when they come into the light of day, we have no idea how to handle them.
As in many facets of a man’s character, the instruction on trust with respect to biblical leadership is very different. Proverbs 3:5 tells us, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”
In the US, the average person will have 10 different jobs before they retire, spending about 2-3 years at each, at most. This idea of a strong support or allegiance to an employer has largely faded. In today’s culture, does loyalty even matter?
A leader’s character sets the tone for the organization. Generous leaders in these areas create a culture that is outwardly focused. Generosity can be a core principle of a business culture.
Whether it is blamed on error, faulty equipment, circumstances, acts of God or wrongdoing, failures happen all the time. Our culture has become acutely focused in failure on fixing the blame and less and less interested in fixing the problem.
A leader must accept some level of risk if he is to lead. To innovate, to explore new ideas, to find success along unexpected paths involves risk. Risking is a skill that can be learned and developed.
The pandemic artificially forced everyone to isolate as much as possible from non-family members. Many went from a situation that was forced to one which was favored. What about post-pandemic?
How do you react in the middle of a storm? I’m not talking about a hurricane of course, but the storms of life, business, family, health, finances, or difficult circumstances? We face storms every week of one sort or another.
Every month between 2% and 3% of all workers quit their jobs. But here’s something interesting. A recent survey revealed that 78% of young workers say they regretted their new job after starting. Are they quitting for the right reasons?
William Franklin Graham Jr. (1918 – 2018) was an American evangelist and ordained minister who became internationally well known in the 1940s, and preached the Gospel to millions.
Did you know that the word decision comes from the Latin word caedere, meaning “to cut off”? In other words, a decision will cut you off from other possible outcomes.
These five habits can be truly toxic, robbing you of your best effort, undermining your decisions, clouding your vision and distracting you from reaching your goals.
A mentor is an advisor and support for someone less experienced. This is not a manager, but rather a specific relationship designed to build up the skills and experience of the mentee.
Cultural pursuits have a common thread that redefines the traditional and biblical role of manhood and replaces it with a substitute devoted to self-satisfaction.
Moses, Joshua, David, Solomon, Daniel, Isaiah, John, Paul, Timothy, Jesus… does the Bible, through its primary characters and events, give us examples of leaders, or does it actually teach leadership skills and principles?
We all face decisions daily, and periodically more serious ones, that require contemplation and consideration before action.
Finding, hiring, choosing and developing leaders is a key facet of leadership itself. A true leader is tasked with replicating himself in others. Where do great leaders come from?
Learning to “read the room” is a crucial facet of leadership. To do this well, you need emotional intelligence. Your EQ is a crucial leadership skill you can fully develop.
Are you a model leader? Consider whether anyone should be led by you. What does your leadership experience and execution bring to the table that is valuable and enhances the life and work of those in your sphere of influence?
In Scripture we see fears such as inadequacy, fear of disapproval, fear of the unexpected, fear of losing control, or fear of being disappointed. These are fears that God can help us overcome. The Bible also gives a path to leading fearlessly.
Scott Harrison (1975 - ) is the founder and CEO of charity:water to bring clean water to the world. As of 2022 the organization has raised $740 million and funded 137,000 water projects for 16.8 million people in 29 countries.
The most successful leaders are often not those who are the most creative or innovative, but those who have the discipline to carry through on initiatives.
A dented car is much like a dented relationship. Sometimes the interactions with those around us get broken, and are in need of repair.