Dietrick Bonhoeffer (1906-1945) was a German pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident. He was opposed to Hitler’s genocide of the Jews, and ran “underground seminaries” during the war. In 1943 he was imprisoned by the Gestapo. Bonhoeffer was executed in the spring of 1945.
Honor means to hold with high respect or great esteem. On Veterans Day, we honor to those specifically who have served in the armed forces. But have you ever wondered how, exactly, you honor someone?
William Franklin Graham Jr. (1918 – 2018) was an American evangelist and ordained minister who became internationally well known in the 1940s, and preached the Gospel to millions.
When we celebrate on July 4 now, 245 years and as many political reinterpretations later, it begs the question, “What freedom are we celebrating?” Christ brings us a clear and meaningful definition of freedom that transcends our July 4 celebration.
On Memorial Day we remember and honor the sacrifices of those who gave their last full measure of devotion to their country. Consider the people-centered lesson we can learn as leaders from those who serve (or have served) in a branch of the armed forces.
Mother’s Day is a reminder to be thankful for our moms and the investment they made in the persons we are today. Moms have a tremendous capacity to instill wisdom, values and principles into their children and families.
History’s most pivotal spiritual moment is celebrated at Easter. Perhaps the greatest way we celebrate Easter is to echo the life of Christ as His followers in how we love others.
Good decisions aren’t entirely logical, but they are also not overly emotional. The best balance tends to be more on the thoughtful side versus rational.
Patience is the recognition that things of value take time. One doesn’t become successful, or paint a masterpiece, or build a close-knit family, overnight. The response to the need for patience is persistence.
Nelson Mandela (1918 – 2013) was a South African dissident who fought to bring about the end of racist apartheid rule, and who served as the first black head of state of his country from 1994 to 1999.
Eisenhower (1890 – 1969) was a military officer, statesman and 34th President of the United States from 1954-1961. He served as the first Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and then as Supreme Commander of NATO forces.
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) was a Baptist minister and activist, and the most prominent leader of the American civil rights movement of the mid-twentieth century. King is particularly known for his nonviolent approach to civil rights advocacy.
“Do not be discouraged” is not just a motivational verse in Scripture, it is a command to recognize and deal with discouragement and depression in your life.
In some locations around the world, it would be dangerous, even deadly, to acknowledge that you are a Christ-follower. Faith-centered leadership has become increasingly risky.
The Bible contains responsibilities given to man by God. In Genesis, we read that God gave man dominion over His creation, and the job of tending to it (Genesis 2:15). Spiritually, the Bible also give man clear direction in his responsibilities.
On the surface the story of Job may seem a cruel game. A faithful man, he suffers greatly, questions God, and receives God’s pointed response. How should we lead when faced with trials and difficulty?