The pandemic artificially forced everyone to isolate as much as possible from non-family members. Many went from a situation that was forced to one which was favored. What about post-pandemic?
Every month between 2% and 3% of all workers quit their jobs. But here’s something interesting. A recent survey revealed that 78% of young workers say they regretted their new job after starting. Are they quitting for the right reasons?
Did you know that the word decision comes from the Latin word caedere, meaning “to cut off”? In other words, a decision will cut you off from other possible outcomes.
Are you primed to start something new? To begin a new project, a new phase, a new job, a new—whatever? What might stop you from doing so? And how can you get past it to run at full speed?
These five habits can be truly toxic, robbing you of your best effort, undermining your decisions, clouding your vision and distracting you from reaching your goals.
The most successful leaders are often not those who are the most creative or innovative, but those who have the discipline to carry through on initiatives.
One trait we often look for in leaders is the ability to multitask. Smart, capable leaders can handle multiple tasks, priorities and decisions at once, right? No, actually, that’s wrong. There is a limit to the number of things any leaders can process at once.