
Can Anyone Withstand the Test of Time?

Can Anyone Withstand the Test of Time?

What will you do of significance with the 80-or-so years you have? When we’re young we have all the time in the world. And once we realize that isn’t true, we never have enough left to do anything with it.

Be Easy to Work With

Be Easy to Work With

Have you ever seen a résumé skill, “I am easy to work with?” In our me-centric culture, what does it really mean for someone to claim they are easy to work with? What does this attitude look like, and does it matter?

Four Ways to Invest in People Today

Four Ways to Invest in People Today

One of the greatest investments you can make as a leader will not be found in a stock selection, or emerging technologies, or foreign markets. A leader’s most powerful commodity is his relationships with people.