Leadership Ministries provides curriculum for our Leadership Tables. The curriculum is designed to be simple, short, and easy to use, to minimize the amount of preparation required by the Table Leader.
When a sculptor completes his work in clay, he prepares to make a mold of the piece so he can recreate it. He’ll have to do something to his artistic work to make this happen, and that is to cut it apart.
Edward McKendree Bounds (1835 – 1913) was an attorney, author and Methodist minister. He is most known for authoring nine books on the subject of prayer. Bounds is widely considered one of the foremost authorities on prayer.
Jesus never came to earth for such a purpose. When we attempt to drop Jesus into our company culture, with its capitalistic purpose and various hierarchies and processes, we are usurping the very Godhood of Christ.
Between the pandemic, inflation, supply chain issues, job hirings and downsizing, political and macroeconomic concerns, the stock market—just about everyone living today is a little bit burnt around the edges.
Great leaders have in common a practical approach to making progress on their important items each day. Step down one or more of these eight paths to greater productivity.
Most people lead unhappy lives. How do you get from here to happy? In “the pursuit of happiness” there are many great activities you can do that will actually help you live happier.
A leader’s ability to focus on the task at hand, or a key decision, or a challenge ahead, is key to being able to move the organization and people forward. A lack of ability to focus can impact the timing and quality of decisions.